Great glitching effect! I love glitching. The heavy ambient transitioning effect that happens at 00:43 I thought sounded a little out of place in the piece, but I don't think that's a big deal. I hear it happens again later in the piece. There's a lot of nice twists and turns in this; ever changing. Though I can't say electronica or dance music is really my field to be making judgements, it all sounds good to me if it's produced well, and this sounds produced well even hearing it through my crappy laptop speakers. I did think the main glitching melody going on is a bit annoying, I would think more variation on that would be more interesting. I really loved the shift at around 01:40, that melody was interesting, as well as your cut in time with the beat, which...I guess is what you meant by your dubstep tag? Otherwise I'm not really hearing quintessential dubstep. Anyways, nice dance music. Would be cool to hear with some glitching vocal line too!