I really like what you have going on with the instrumentals. But they need more to them, additional instruments and melodies as the song progressed. It seemed like the cello was trying to do that at points, but it was too quiet! It was counterproductive that at the third verse the instrumentals lost its instruments rather than gained them, there was just no buildups. As for your voice, it sounds great, and I liked the guitar chords and vocal harmony oooohs at the choruses. But of course, continuing on to do stuff like this requires better microphone equipment, and the vocals themselves were also quiet and effectually dry; reverb would add a fullness.
I say this because I really really like your alternative style here. The piano is good, but I think could use a changeup more often. All the bell sounds are perfect, and the very soft percussion is a great choice that could perhaps use some more prominence. This is a good basis that needs a lot more work to make it sound outstanding, and I believe that this could be something really outstanding that I would enjoy even more. Nice work here, but keep on playing around with it! *fav'ed*